The first meeting of Veterans to organize an American Legion Post was held May 30, 1919.
The first regular meeting of the Montgomery Post was held on July 16, 1919 with 34 Charter members attending. On this evening an application for Post of American Legion was signed by the following:
Affiliated Organizations:
On May 31st of 1922 The Montgomery American Legion Auxiliary applied for a permanent charter. Below is a list of the unit officers at that time:
President....................................Mrs. J.O. McKeon
Secretary....................................Miss Elda Fisher
Treasurer....................................Miss Lillian Bazil
Hospital Chairman.....................Mrs. J.W.Kaisershot
Chaplain.....................................Mrs. Jos. Nestaval
Historian.....................................Miss Kathryn Sebesta
On January 2nd 1922 the Unit Charter for Montgomery Post 79 was approved.
Memorable Events
1923 - September 24, 1923- Made payment of $500.00 on City park.
1924 - July, 1924, Legion and Community Club had a joint celebration and later a series of dances in the park to pay for the park.
1925- Erected flag pole in the park.
1934 - On May 8, 1934, the Commander, F. J. Pexa, made a motion to appoint a committee to buy and install a fountain in the park; Arlie Wood made an amendment to the motion that the same committee that had charge of buying and installing...another fountain. Motion carried.
1946- First club building purchased.
1947- First annual banquet honoring public school athletes.
1952- Purchased police car for the City.
1958 - January 12, 1958 - Moved into New Clubrooms and Post Home.
1958 - May 25, 1958- Dedication ceremonies of the new Legion Clubrooms and Post Home.
2011 - April 13, 2011 - A motion was made by Ed Keogh, at the April 13, 2011, American Legion meeting, to place a new forty-foot flag pole at the site of the existing flag pole in Memorial Park, in the City of Montgomery. The flag pole has been in dis-repair for the past few years, restoration is not practical, and the pole is unable to fly a flag.
2011 - April 18, 2011 - During its regular meeting held Monday, April 18, 2011, the Montgomery City Council approved a resolution that city property on Boulevard Avenue (across from police department) be established as a city park and designated as Veteran's Memorial Park. American Legion Post #79 will be responsible for developing and maintaining the memorial.
2011 - September 6, 2011 - Agreement is signed between the City of Montgomery and the Montgomery American Legion Post #79 regarding the details of the Veteran's Memorial Park legal status.
2012 - May 28, 2012 - Dedication ceremonies were held for the Montgomery Veteran's Memorial Park.
Montgomery Post #79 Past Commanders
Patriotic Days
MEMORIAL DAY has always been an outstanding occasion in this community. In addition to memorial events throughout Montgomery area the grave of every veteran of any of the wars of the country are decorated on this National Holiday. Today, jointly with Montgomery's Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5340 this tradition is being carried on. If one might attempt to prophecy, in an historical account, Montgomery's veteran organizations will carry on this tradition to its last man to keep MEMORIAL DAY sacred to the memory of our war dead.
SCHOLARSHIP AND COMMUNITY PROJECTS Montgomery Post 79 Sponsors various scholarships for the further education of our children. We also sponsor and financially assist many worthy community projects and programs initiated by the National American Legion.